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Signature characteristics of serial killer cases

Evidence against isolation

When looking at serial killer cases, like any other material events, it is difficult to say with certainty what had actually occurred, the best we can do is rely on a combination of evidence and a sense of which conclusions we can draw from it is the most likely in order to reach the truth. It is no different when considering if a killer was acting alone or conspiring with other individuals. That being the case, is there any evidence which we see present in many serial killer cases which suggests they were not simply lone mad individuals acting randomly? Luckily for us, there in fact is. For example, if it was the case that there was some institutional influence over serial killers, let's say the intelligence community was training some of them through a front, then we would expect to see stark relevant similarities in the lives of these killers. Sure enough, we do see a strange kind of mirroring between many serial killer cases, as we will see with the following two serial killers. If a killer was operating within a criminal network, you could expect them to potentially be linked to seemingly separate crime sprees- yet another pattern that does indeed exist in serial killer cases. It could be that their crimes would be impossible to commit alone, or that the killer does something which seems to be against their own best interest unless they want to shut the case down quickly highly suggesting that they were acting as a fall guy.

Like Heidnik...

Gary Heidnik was born in 1943; his father was a strict disciplinarian. Gary enrolled at Staunton Military Academy in Virginia; in 1961 he joined the army wanting to become a military policeman, however instead he was sent to Ft. Sam Houston in Texas to be trained as a medic. After this, he was sent to an Army field Hospital in West Germany to be an orderly, whilst there he underwent powerful LSD experiments, after only three months there he was already receiving Stelazine (a powerful tranquilizer) despite not suffering from psychosis at time. He was sent back to a military hospital in the states and released with honourable discharge from a service-related mental disability. 1 in 79,000 military veterans who apply for benefits due to a mental disability get a 100% disability rating; Heidnik got this for life without even filing for it. He went on to get a degree as a licensed practical nurse and trained as a psychiatric nurse at a VA hospital. Gary became a psychiatric patient at least 25 times and tried to commit suicide 17 times over the next 25 years (the actual number of times is unknown as there is a 6 year gap in his medical records from 1972, Heidnik can’t account for what he did during the gap either). In 1966, he got into a head on motorcycle accident. 4 years later his mother committed suicide (his brother Terry also attempted to commit suicide often but failed). In 1971, Heidnik went to Malibu for unknown reasons.

He returned to Philadelphia in October and set up the ‘United Church of the Ministers of God’ with Terry. Most members were institutionalized black women who had been labelled ‘retarded’ by the State; interestingly Jim Jones was also setting up a Church which mainly recruited institutionalised black women at the time. In 1975, Heidnik opened a tax-free Merrill Lynch account for his church with 1,500 dollar deposit, shortly after the account was valued at 545,000 dollars. In 1976, Gary fired a gun at an unidentified man, grazing his face; he was only charged with aggravated assault and unlicensed gun carrying but these were dropped a week later. In 1978, he checked a girl out of an institution to torture her in his basement. He was caught and charged with array of crimes, he waived his rights to jury trial, the judge dropped the felony counts as the victim was too ‘retarded’ to testify. Thus, he only got a 3-7 year prison sentence but in reality he only spent 4 and a-half years at different hospitals before being released. By 1986, his Church was popular so he had stream of women going through home. Josefina Rivera ended up locked in his basement, three days later Sandra Lindsay was as well; she has been institutionalized with him at the Elwyn Institute and her entire family knew Heidnik as well as a mutual friend Tony Brown who sometimes lived with and shared girlfriends with Heidnik. Sandra’s mother reported the disappearance and gave investigators Gary’s name, address, and phone number but little effort made to contact him.

Gary’s prisoners were given dog food or not fed at all; eventually the flesh of dead victims replaced the dog food as their meals. Gary raped them and forced them to sexually assault each other. They were kept uncomfortably in chains permanently, tortured with electric shocks and sometimes put in covered pit. Their ears were gouged with a screwdriver so they couldn’t hear when someone left / entered house.  On winter solstice, Lisa Thomas and then shortly after Deborah Dudley were added to the basement. During this time, Gary still had consensual sex with women repeatedly in his house, one of these women claimed that Josefina voluntarily accompanied Gary on his dates. In 1987, Gary defended himself in Court from the charge of failing to pay support payments to his ex-wife, he had attacked her during the previous January and been charged by the DA’s office with spousal rape, involuntary deviant sexual intercourse, and indecent assault. But of course, all of these had been dismissed.

Sandra died in 1987; Gary ground up and cooked her corpse with power saw and industrial food processor he had brought in the face of her demise. Panicked, the captives worked out escape plan but Josefina tipped Gary off. The stench of burning flesh came from home so his neighbour’s called the police, the police couldn’t see into house as the shades were drawn and any holes in them were sealed with duct tape, the windows were also barred and there was security steel door installed. The officer refused to knock on door to search the home, furthermore no follow up investigation occurred. Five weeks later, Dudley was killed as she was electrocuted whilst immersed in the water-filled pit. Josefina and Gary went out looking for replacement slaves; they ended up abducted Agnes Adams. The next day, the prisoners finally broke free. Heidnik was arrested with his accomplice Tony Brown, Gary was taken to the Philadelphia Detention Center and isolated. Brown revealed details to detectives, he claimed to see Gary cutting up and raping a corpse. The house’s freezer was partially filled with body parts, cut-up bones were found in the yard, and a large cache of Thorazine was found. The church’s account was valued at over 500,000, Gary also had a personal account which was also wealthy as well as four expensive vehicles, Gary had 2,000 dollars in his pocket when he was arrested.

His preliminary hearing began in 1987; the Prosecution team leader was Ronald Castille, a former marine platoon commander in Vietnam. Chuck Peruto was Gary’s defence council and the judge was Lynne Abraham, she had worked for DA Arlen Specter who had concocted the ‘single bullet theory’, which serves as the ‘official’ explanation of the JFK assassination. Lynne had also worked for US Department of Housing and Urban Development and Mayor Frank Rizzo’s Redevelopment Authority. When she had been a prosecutor, she had often watched the autopsies. She repeatedly interrupted the questioning of potential jurors, yet the jury was seated in just one and a half days (one was a research Chemist for PPG Industries). The victims gave testimony, Josefina spoke in a detached emotionless voice, the other victims claimed that Josefina beat them even when Gary wasn’t watching and she was called the ‘boss of the basement’.  Lisa Thomas filed a civil petition to freeze his church’s assets and appoint a conservator to have the resources go towards their civil suit, her wish was granted but the Judge took two weeks to appoint a conservator for the civil suit brought against Heidnik and Josefina; two hours before the appointment Gary filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Thus, 8 days later the federal courts got jurisdiction over the assets case, Gary’s will listed that the assets to go to Veteran’s Administration and the Peace Corps.

Gary was doused with Thorazine throughout trial, he was described as being near catatonic yet his fitness to stand trial was never questioned. His defence’s opening statement was pretty much that ‘Gary is guilty so innocent until proven guilty doesn’t apply.’ No testimony about the treatment he received in Germany or the involvement of Tony Brown was allowed. Jack Apshe’s (a former helicopter door-gunner in Vietnam and psychologist specializing in records research) well documented evidence of Gary’s medical history was nearly entirely disallowed, however she only barred the defence from introducing material so the state could handpick documents to enter into Court (she literally cherry-picked some of them and read them into the record). Gary’s criminal record (which would otherwise be inadmissible) was snuck in by a witness testifying that she heard him bragging about his past criminal exploits; he claimed to have killed 6 women but no other victims were identified.  Adams claimed she saw Josefina working the streets two weeks before Adams was captured, yet at the time Josefina was supposedly Gary’s captive. Josefina even admitted that there were times where she was left alone and could have escaped. Dr. Clancy MacKenzie was called as a defence witness, however he apparently hurt the defence and Peruto labelled this witness a ‘flake’, never explaining why he called him to the stand.

During jury deliberations, the gag order which had been issued early on to ‘not contaminate the jury’ remained in effect. Gary was found guilty, during the penalty phase no defence witnesses were called and Peruto’s closing arguments lasted for only four minutes. Two death sentences were delivered within two hours of deliberation. A psychiatric report made after the trial stated that his first psychosis was facilitated by near-leathal dose of LSD in Germany and that his recall of the four months with his slaves were hazy and dream-like. It is pretty obvious that he didn’t work alone. Tony Brown was released from custody, two weeks after Gary’s trial all charges against him were dropped and his accomplice status forgotten. In 1987, police raided a local apartment to discover the remains of five women in a nailed-shut bedroom, another body was found in nailed-shut closet, another body was found scattered over the roof and basement of the neighbouring building. A ‘Retarded’ black man called Harrison Marty Graham, known as the ‘Madman of Marshall Street’, was arrested and confessed to the killings that he claimed started around the same time as Gary’s kidnappings; he also claimed to have committed necrophilia. The houses are less than two miles apart, but any connection between him and Heidnik is denied.

Like Dahmer.

Jeffery Dahmer was born in Bath in 1960, Ohio, only fifteen miles away from Berdella’s hometown. His father was Lionel Dahmer, a research chemist for PPG Industries. Lionel had been fascinated with fire and bomb making as a boy and at age 13 he had wanted to hypnotize a girl so he could control her entirely. Interestingly, in interviews about his Son’s actions, Lionel has talked about how thinking about it gives him the tendency to dissociate. He claimed that Jefferys had been molested when he was 8 by a neighbourhood boy. At 10, Jeffery collected dead animals and tested using acid to dispose of them. In 1975, neighbourhood boys found a mutilated dog in woods behind Dahmer’s house hanging from a tree; a cross of sticks was found nearby. Three years later on a senior class trip to Washington, Dahmer used a payphone to secure an appointment to visit the office of the vice-president of the US (Walter Mondale) and then they visited the office of writer Art Buchwald (who interviewed Presley whilst he was in Germany serving for the US army). How was Dahmer that well connected at such an early age?  A girl who dated him in the senior year recalled a séance being conducted in his house where a person suggested trying to summon Satan. In 1978, his parents filed for divorce both accusing each other of abuse. Jeffery claimed that he first killed around this time, the identity of this victim was revealed by having Dahmer pick from a photo line-up of missing boys from around that time. There is zero evidence otherwise.

He enrolled at Ohio State University, he only did one quarter before Lionel took him to a military recruiter. He joined the US Army in 1979 and requested to be a military policeman, instead he was sent to Ft. Sam Houston to be trained as a medic, he was then sent to an Army Hospital in West Germany to work as an orderly. Whilst there, he was a severe chronic alcoholic. He was released early with an honourable discharge nonetheless from Fort Jackson. He then moved to Florida before moving back home with his father and stepmother. He was arrested in 1981 for disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and having an open container of alcohol, he only got a 60 pound fine. He then moved in with his grandmother. He was arrested in 1982 for indecent exposure; he only had to pay a nominal fine. He began working for the Ambrosia Chocolate Company in 1985; he also began visiting Milwaukee’s gay bars and bathhouses (especially the Unicorn Bathhouse) to experiment with drugging unsuspecting people. He commonly did so at the Club Bath Milwaukee, the owners knew about his druggings but did nothing to stop him. In 1987, Dahmer was arrested for masturbating in front of two young boys, he paid 42 dollars in court costs and got a one year suspended sentence. Damher started killing (again) at this time, yet despite the inevitable odor his grandmother supposedly didn’t know anything. His first victim was killed in a hotel and brought back to be dissolved in his grandmother’s basement in a suitcase which he took in a taxi, his second victim’s body supposedly ripened in her basement for a week.

In 1988, Dahmer got his own apartment, in the same month he was accused of molesting a young boy and in May was convicted of second-degree sexual assault giving him a three year sentence despite his dad appealing. He served 10 months in minimal security prison on a work release programme to keep working at Ambrosia. He kept a mummified head and genitals in his work locker at time. He got 12 hours of freedom on Thanksgiving Day, he returned late and intoxicated but faced zero repercussions. In 1990, he was released on parole which he would remain on throughout his killing spree, yet no one checked up on him. His parole records were made public after law suits were filed for this negligence, but they were mostly blanked out and ‘well vacuumed’; the Wisconsin Department of Corrections ordered Donna Chester (Dahmer’s parole officer) not to talk to the press. In July of 1990, Dahmer hit a 15 year old boy over head with a rubber mallet and tried to strangle him; he then called a taxi for the boy. The boy was taken to a medical centre, he gave a description of Dahmer and an address to the police but no one investigated the incident. Jeffery got a 57-gallon drum of acid home in a taxi and then magically carried it up to his apartment; two men and a moving dolly were required to remove it.

In 1991, a 14 year old boy fled from Dahmer’s apartment, he was naked, bleeding from his anus, and was drugged. Two women saw him and called the police. The responding officers believed Jeff’s story about him and the boy simply having a lover’s quarrel, the ladies were there and informed the police that the boy was clearly underage, terrified, and had actively resisted Dahmer trying to restrain him. But the police told the witnesses to leave and refused to take their names, they failed to perform a routine background check, this would have showed that Dahmer was on parole for the molestation of this very boy’s brother. The three officers actually accompanied them back to his apartment and noticed ‘nothing amiss’ despite the fact that a three-day old rotting corpse would have been on bed, there was an incredibly strong odor, there were morbid artefacts and photos lying around, and a security cameras would have been present on the inside of the apartment. When they left, Damher raped, killed and disembowelled the boy’s corpse. The mother of one of the lady witnesses called police, pointing out that a missing boy in the papers closely resembled the naked boy her daughter had described, but she was dismissed. She then contacted the local FBI office who also dismissed her and told her not to talk to the press. The three officers were cleared of any wrong doing.

Dahmer attemped to kill Tracy Edwards, a father of six who jumped bail in Mississippi for sexually battering a 13 year old girl, he escaped and reported Dahmer and his apartment to the police. He claimed that Dahmer had undergone a transformation suddenly making him unrecognizable, and that the apartment was filled with photos of male torsos. This is a rather strange description as in actuality the apartment was filled with a bloodstained bed, photos of decapitated bodies, heads in the freezer and one in the fridge, unmarked meat and a heart in another freezer, a drawer filled with bones, an acid barrel with body parts still in it, a kettle filled with 7 skulls and another with severed hands and penises. Dahmer was charged with four counts of murder, then another 8 counts were added, and then an additional 3 despite there being no evidence to support these. Prosecutors claimed that a photo album had been destroyed and that the body parts depicted on the particularly album had been tossed out in the trash; as to their explanation of why these parts conveniently had been tossed out despite the other body parts not being is anyone’s guess. Two victims were supposedly abducted from Chicago yet Dahmer didn’t have his own car, how could he transport them? One victim’s grandmother reportedly got calls a few weeks after her grandson disappeared containing groaning and pleading; did Dahmer keep his victims alive for period of time? Many elements of his confessions were not supported by evidence and so could have been shaped by his interrogators.

His trial began in 1992, his attorney was Gerald Boyle who waived Jeff’s right to preliminary trial, he also allowed Dahmer to give a lengthy confession to his crimes. They entered a plea of NGRI. He received a 937 year sentence; his apartment got destroyed by end of the year. Two years into his prison sentence, Dahmer was paired with two murder inmates on an unsupervised work detail; he and one of the other men were murdered. Upon his death, Lionel battled with Jeff’s mother to preserve his brain for study. Jeffery was reportedly working on a home lobotomy procedure by drilling a hole in the victim’s forehead before injecting a combination of chemicals their brain. This is interesting, considering Lionel’s occupation. Dahmer was into Satanism, he had a detailed plans to build a Satanic alter which would be made out of human skulls amongst other things he was collecting. He claimed that constructing it and consuming the flesh of his victims would infuse him with energies to make him socially and financially successful. In 1999, the brother of one of his victims was found stabbed to death in a ritual sacrifice.

The Mystery of the I-70 murders

Male prostitutes and young gay men had been disappearing in Indianapolis, but in 1980 their bodies began surfacing in Indiana and western Ohio, most along Ohio’s Interstate 70. These were thus known as the I-70 murders. Many bodies had been strangled, one victim had his extremities served and his torso drained of blood, the served parts were never found. Four bodies were found together in private graveyard in 1983, a nearby barn contained both a pentagram and inverted cross. In 1983, a task force was formed to investigate the murders and law enforcement officers attended a summit about them, they made no progress until an anonymous tipster turned in Larry Eyler. Larry was put under constant surveillance, but the murders continued. When they arrested him, officers found a bloodstained knife in his truck; he was wearing bloodstained boots that matched casts taken from one of crime scenes as did his tyres. Eyler was previously arrested in 1978 for stabbing and leaving a hitchhiker for death. When he was arrested, he was found to have a sword, three knifes, and a tear gas canister. His bail was set at 50,000 for attempted murder; however it was lowered to 10,000 the next day so his friends could release him. His attorney paid off the victim with a check for 2,500 and all the charges were dropped. Ultimately, Eyler only had to pay 43 dollars in court costs. In 1981, Eyler was arrested for drugging a 14 year old boy and dumping unconscious body, yet somehow he was cleared of all charges.

For the I-70 murders charge, Eyler used Democratic David Schippers as his defence, Schippers later represented the Republican controlled House Judiciary Committee’s case for impeaching President Clinton and showed scepticism about the official 9/11 story. He filed a motion to suppress all the seized evidence; it was granted essentially evaporating the State’s case. Eyler then moved to Chicago, whilst there witnesses saw him dissociatively dumping trash bags filled with body parts into a bin outside of an apartment building. His fingerprints were left on the bags, upon searching his apartment investigators found bloodstains, a hacksaw, more trash bags, and a T-shirt belonging to the victim in question. Schippers advised the defence team this time around rather than defending him. Eyler was convicted in 1986 and sentenced to death. Eyler confessed to kidnapping, torturing, and murdering at least 23 victims, he claimed to have worked with accomplices for 6 of the murders. One of these accomplices was Robert David Little, a professor at Indiana State University and the former head of Terre Haute chapter of ACLU, they had lived together since 1975. Eyler was also provided with Placidyl by a doctor to drug his victims. Four years later, he claimed that Little was the mastermind and had photographed the killings, his claims passed a polygraph test. Police searched the house they had previously shared and Little’s University office, videos and photographs were seized. Phone records showed that Eyler often made late-night phone calls to the house from various locations. Little was brought to trial then acquitted in 1991, his lawyer was James Voyles. But Eyler kept providing information to help investigators keep building a case against his accomplices; however Eyler died of AIDS in 1994. Lots of the victims had disappeared within a two square mile section of Indianapolis which was filled with gay bars, interestingly enough this is the very same area which Herb Baumeister acquired his victims from. Like Eyler, Herb drugged his victims, using his father’s prescription pads.

Herb was supposedly emotionless as a child, despite having a physically abusive father. His dad served in WWII, he then graduated from Indiana University’s School of Medicine and worked as an anaesthesiologist. He often took Herb off to be administered mental examinations. Herb enrolled in college as an anatomy major but dropped out, he then married Juliana Saiter who was the daughter of a superintendent at the Naval Air Warfare Center. Saiter and Herb were both members of the Young Republicans. Not long after they were married, Herb’s wealthy father strangely sent him to the state-run Larue D. Carter Memorial Hospital which catered to patients with serious mental impairments, but there is no indication Herb was impaired at the time. He was released after two months; his diagnosis claimed that he had two or more distinct personalities. He took a position at the ‘Indianapolis star’; this position was often occupied by children of the wealthy elite. He then got a job driving a hearse, after this his dad got him a position at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles where he served as their liaison to the Indiana state police. He left in 1985, he was unemployed whilst his wife did voluntary work; yet they still lived very well. He was arrested in 1986 for theft and conspiracy to commit theft, of course he waived his jury right and the judge found him not guilty within a day.

With a 350,000 dollar loan from mother, Herb set up a thrift store called ‘Sav-A-Lot’. In 1988, he founded Thrift Management Inc. with the Children’s Bureau of Indianapolis; as they are primarily an orphan (the perfect victim) organisation, there is a possibility that this business venture was a cover for child trafficking. By 1990, a second Sav-A-Lot outlet opened, Herb staffed his stores with attractive young male employees. In 1991, Herb with his wife and their three children moved to a grand estate called ‘Fox Hollow Farm’, they also maintained a second home and had access to a condominium which was owned by Herb’s mother on Lake Wawasee. Three years later, Erich Baumeister (his son) found a skeleton in their backyard; the boy reported it to Julie who kept it to herself. Herb had travelled to Ohio dozens of times in the late 1980s and 1990s. Police first questioned Herb and wife about the disappearances in 1995, Herb used James Voyles as his attorney. In 1996, the Children’s Bureau terminated its contract with him and distanced itself publically, it purportedly did this due to Sav-A-Lot having financial trouble.  Herb told his wife that he was taking their kids for physical examinations then enrolling them at the Culver Military Academy (where Doug Clark went); perhaps this is what led to Julie consenting to a police search of their property.

During the search, Herb was away with Erich at the lake house. Police found thousands of human bones (over 6000 were recovered, yet no skulls were found) scattered about in plain sight, the case was assigned to Detective Sergeant Kenneth Whisman who had never handled a homicide case before despite this clearly being a multiple homicide. Outrageously, police claimed that they were weeks away from being ready to question Herb. Most of the bones had been burned or crushed, making identification almost impossible, but there were at least 11 victims. There was scorched ground where the bodies had been burnt visible from the home’s kitchen window. Despite all this evidence being visible to the naked eye, Julie swore she knew nothing about the murders, even though she was an avid gardener according to neighbours who often saw her in the yard. She claimed that Herb was an avid videographer and had hundreds of tapes; she then led them to empty storage cupboard where they were supposed to be. A witness who Herb had brought to house and who had been the police’s lead to questioning the Baumeisters reported seeing a closet filled with professional recording equipment, but this wasn’t found either. A vent in the wall hid a video camera, supposedly used for secret recordings. Only 10 items seized, 5 of which were video tapes. 2 days later, Julie obtained an emergency order for the temporary custody of Erich; police went to Lake house and got Erich without questioning Herb. The police didn’t seem to care when Herb promptly disappeared after. Further searches found a drainage ditch containing lots of bones, but still Whisman claimed that there wasn’t enough evidence to issue an arrest warrant.

In July, a Canadian police officer found Herb sleeping in his car near Ontario Park; numerous items were present including unidentified papers and videotapes. The next day, he was found in the park with a .357 magnum bullet hole in his head, his car had been emptied of items and there was zero evidence of disposal in area, the items are still not accounted for. A suicide note was found, strangely it was addressed ‘Attention Canadian Authorities’. Around the same time, his brother Brad was found dead floating in a hot tub in Texas. The day after Herb’s body was found, an autopsy occurred but it was announced that the autopsy report wouldn’t be released for a whole year. Some of the I-70 killings were still unsolved, so authorities tried to link Herb to them. At one scene there was a semen sample and at another there was a palm print. Yet, the semen sample disappeared. A technician was dispatched to Canada to obtain a palm print from corpse of Herb, yet he returned with a print that was unusable as ‘it didn’t take’; somehow he didn’t notice this until he was in the States. He was sent back to try again, and the same thing happened again. So he was sent back a third time, but corpse had been cremated. Why would they use the same technician three times? Circumstantial evidence and witness testimony links Herb to one I-70 murder. It was asserted that he was solely responsible for the deaths of the four victims which could be identified on Fox Hollow Farm. They were local gay men who had gone missing, at least 10 had after frequenting local gay bars over the previous 3 years; but these were disappearances which the police and press ignored.

The families of two of the missing victims hired Virgil Vandagriff to investigate; Virgil was a sheriff who became a private investigator. In the mid 1970s, Virgil was sent to LAPD academy for Hypnosis training, his father dabbled in hypnosis as well. In 1977, he worked on the case of the Speedway Bomber (Brett Kimberlin), who in 1988 was put into solitary confinement after claiming to have supplied marijuana to the Republican vice-presidential nominee Dan Quayle. In 1994, the informant who Herb had taken to the farm talked to Vandagriff, his associate located Fox Hill based on the witnesses’ description. This associate then took Ariel photos of the ranch rather than ground surveillance ones; unfortunately the witness couldn’t positively ID it since he had never seen it from the sky, greatly delaying the private investigation. In 1997, Virgil’s secretary Connie Pierce suddenly died at the age of forty six; Connie had worked closely with the witness. Bones were still being discovered on Fox Hollow Farm at the time of Connie’s death. Considering at the very least both Eyler and Herb are serial killers, and both have multiple links to the I-70 murders, is it not more reasonable to assume that they are operating as part of some kind of ring rather than buying into the insane odds that these common connections are mere coincidences?

Some kind of superman

Perhaps the best killer case with an actus reus which would be absurd to suggest the defendant actually had is that of Richard Speck. Cora Amurao (the only surviving victim) claimed that she answered the door in the early morning which allowed Speck entry into house. He supposedly brandished a gun that authorities claim he had stolen from a rape victim that day (though there is zero evidence of a gun ever being present and none of the victims were shot), he forced the 6 women in the house into a room. He then tore a sheet into strips which he used to tie up the women, all the whilst keeping a knife in his hand and controlling the room. Three more women arrived to the house; he forced them into the same room and tied them up as well. He then dragged the women away and slaughtered them one at a time, washing up himself in the bathroom between each murder; this went on for over four and a half hours. The girls hid under the beds to try and evade Speck, yet all were found except Amurao. Speck supposedly miscounted his victims so he accidently left a surviving witness. On arriving at the scene, the police noted that the house wasn’t highly visible and so assumed the killer(s) were familiar with the surroundings, something Speck lacked and Amurao had. They would have also assumed that a crime of this magnitude would have required multiple perpetrators, but instead on the faith of her story they went with the unlikely sole killer idea. Could she not have been an accomplice covering for the real killers by making Speck the fall guy?

Her story, the only evidence against Speck, makes no sense. Why did the girls choose to remain in room if their bindings allowed for them to move under the beds? Why didn’t the girls try to untie each other, considering Speck would leave the room for over 20 minutes at a time? The women would have known that they were going to be murdered since it would have been impossible to clean all the blood off, unless Speck brought 9 pairs of clothes, so why did they passively await their fate? Did Speck really fail to check under one bed or count to 9? A composite drawing based on the rather lacking details given by Amurao did not match Richard Speck. She positively identified him by being sent into a hospital room dressed as a nurse after Speck’s failed suicide attempt, this is of course illegitimate and would bias her so she couldn’t properly identify him from a police line. But why would a severely traumatized victim, days after witnessing the slaughter of 8 of her friends, be made to face the one responsible for the murders in person? Amurao was given great amount of protection, she was moved to a resort with four 24/7 guards for months to be held incommunicado whilst being prepped for her testimony. But this makes little sense as the supposed sole assailant Speck was imprisoned, especially after being sent unprotected into a room with him, since Speck opened the door to her could he not potentially have recognised her as his accuser in that hospital room? Also, it is rather strange that she admitted to ‘innocently’ letting Speck in.

 In Court after reciting the rehearsed version of events, she got up from her seat (supposedly with no rehearsal or prompting) and walked up to Speck, looking him in the eye and identified him as the killer. The defence Attorney, James Gramenos noted that the jury selection was ‘illegal and unfair’, his objections were overruled. The case was moved three hours outside of Chicago, this was the first time a trial was moved out of Cook Country due to pre-trial publicity, yet the Judge stayed on. He slapped a gag order on press to prevent interviews with Amurao or information about the trial going public; this ensured that the weakness of case was unknown about. The Chicago Police Commissioner claimed Speck was guilty before he even released his photo to the media, quite literally before Speck had even been arrested. Its likely Speck wasn’t even in the house. Speck was drinking at a bar that night according to a number of witnesses; also a husband and wife with no association to Speck at all placed him at the bar for a portion of the timeframe when the murders were occurring. Speck didn’t remember leaving this bar, but he remembered receiving an injection from a man he didn’t know. Simply put, Speck was a fall man. He had ‘Born to raise hell’ tattooed on arm, maybe suggesting some biker gang affiliation. The State claimed that the motive was robbery, yet Speck had only acquired 23 dollars from the crime; this was the same laughable motive given in the case of the slaughter of the Clutter family in Kansas. Speck was sentenced to death after a mere 49 minutes of Jury deliberation.

It is not inconceivable that he is a fall guy to a potentially connected group, after all the system seems to be suspiciously generous to him. Speck grew up in an abusive home in Texas, living with his stepfather. A year before the killings, he had attacked a girl with knife almost killing her. He served 5 months for this, despite having a police record of forty one arrests; this absurd leniency was supposedly due to a ‘bureaucratic error’. In 1972, his death sentence was voided by US Supreme Court. However Speck was given 400 to 1200 years, despite maintaining his innocence. In 1988, whilst Speck was in confinement in one of the toughest prisons (Statesville Correctional Centre in Illinois), he produced a video tape of himself snorting huge piles of cocaine and flashing roles of money whilst sporting huge breasts. How did he access all this in prison? He later died in prison of a heart attack, a few weeks later Amurao appeared on Oprah Winfrey to talk about the killings publically for the first time in twenty seven years.

The Reckless Serial Killer

Have you ever noticed how an absurd amount of serial killers that seem to go undetected for ages despite there being ample opportunity or reason for them to have gotten caught pretty much right away? Or better yet, how many of these get caught for extreme carelessness on their parts? This common observation makes sense if the theory that serial killers are often just patsy’s for cults and organised crime groups is true. In the case of Leonard Lake, he clearly takes extreme measures to draw attention to himself and one accomplice, namely giving police the accomplice’s name before committing suicide when he was simply charged with shoplifting, which suggests he was manipulating the police’s attention to protect others. Some information in this section has been obtained from a video by Jay Dyer. (


Leonard Lake was born in San Francisco and was raised by a strict grandmother, his father was abusive and cold, and his mother Gloria Eberling was a licensed nurse working in mental wards. His family, which had a history of mental illness, encouraged Leonard to be interested in the naked human form and take pictures of girls like his sisters and cousins. His brother Donald was abusive to animals and was interested in fire. In 1964, Lake joined the US Marines for 7 years, he spent some years in Vietnam where he earned medals, but his second tour of duty to Vietnam was cut short due to him getting a medical discharge of an unspecified medical condition. He then entered a VA hospital for psychological treatment. He soon lived on Greenfield Ranch, which later turned out to be a cover for drug operations, alongside the founders of the renaissance fairs where he met his ex-wife ‘Cricket’. His neighbour was Oberon Zell Ravenwood who was a wizard that claimed to have created a unicorn, Lake had his photo taken holding one. Ravenwood’s ex-wife was part of a witch coven with writer Poul Anderson, she was also a close friend of Marion Zimmer Bradley; a futurist writer who was involved in promoting the counter-culture. For instance, Jim Morrison (the lead singer of 'The Doors') was inducted into Witchcraft by Patrista Kaneeley, a friend of Diana Paxson who was Bradley’s sister. Bradley’s husband was Walter Brene, a founder of NAMBLA who was charged molested boys, their daughter Moira alleges that both parents were pedos. Brene wanted to create schools for ‘gifted children’ in order to funnel them into subcultures; though this was likely a cover for a pedophile operation. Brene was found to have nudes of Yale students with ‘finders’ written on them, which could potentially suggest he was connected to the finders cult. Lake joined the Society for Creative Anachronism which was founded by Bradley, Brene, Paxson, and Anderson, it was a cult based around medieval worship involving sacrifices.

It is likely the case that Lake purposefully drew police attention to himself and Ng to protect what was clearly a pedophile ring, he also had other cult connections. His ex wife, Claralyn Balazs, modelled for hardcore S&M videos he produced; she admitted that he had longstanding affiliation with a San Francisco witches coven. Lake often boasted to friends about being part of secret death cult. His main source of income was selling drugs and snuff he produced; he also stockpiled guns for non-commercial purposes. Lake worked at the local 4-H club, the club received lots of later allegations of ritual abuse. Charles Ng was the son of a wealthy Hong Kong family; he was chained and beaten by his father as a child. He attended an elite prep school in Leeds (England) where his uncle taught. Ng was arrested in 1979 for entering the US to commit a hit and run, but the charges were dropped after he agreed to enlist in the Marines. He was underage and not US citizen, so he should have been deported. Two years and a day after starting his service, he robbed a US marine armoury on Oahu, making off with machine guns, grenade launchers, night scopes, and pistols. After being questioned about robbery he went off the grid, where he met Lake through a war gamer magazine. Ng was arrested with Lake in 1982 by a FBI swat team. Ng was sent to Fort Leavenworth’s brig for two years and Lake was let go. Donald disappeared the next year, Lake was later accused of murdering him but its unknown is there is any evidence for this.

In 1984, the entire Dubs family vanished, they were taken from their apartment but there were no signs of struggle or evidence of forced entry found, two neighbours were watching the house at the supposed time of abduction but they only saw NG leaving the apartment alone. Henry Dubs, the father, had specialized in shooting children’s parties. Over the following month, other people disappeared from San Francisco area. Their remains were found on a ranch in Wilseyville (in California), it was owned by the Balazs family who were Lake’s former in laws, but Lake considered it his home. In 1985, a PG&E metre reader visited ranch, the door was opened by a shirtless blood-soaked Lake wearing a bloody apron, but there is no indication that action was taken at time. Lake was arrested three weeks later on a shoplifting charge, a .22 calibre Ruger with a silencer was found in his truck, NG was with Lake during the arrest but he somehow escaped to Canada. Whilst being interrogated, Lake took a cyanide capsule hidden in the collar of shirt and died; he had given police the name of Ng before his death. The police questioned his former wife who was with Lake’s mother and two of his sisters at the time and they arranged for the police to conduct a search of the ranch. Claralyn lied saying that the ranch was hard to find so that she would lead them there at pre-agreed time, before the search she and Eberling had removed items from the property including dozens of videotapes, the women then met the officers together. No action was taken against them and the police later claimed that all the items were returned; which of course would be impossible to know either way.

During the search, officers found numerous bullet holes and bloodstains inside the house, eyebolts were anchored to bedroom floor at the corners of the bed and a powerful 250W floodlight was mounted to the wall above the bed. Tom Eisenmann, a former Navy man and veteran investigator of sex crimes involving children, had worked on cases involving CP and snuff films in the past; he deduced that it was a snuff film studio. At the time Lake was only charged with shoplifting, so Tom’s presence at the crime scene is highly suspicious. Lake’s diary was found under the bed, it talked about building a prison for sex slaves. Lake and Ng had built a concrete bunker containing military and police equipment like a variety of guns and equipment like a starlight scope, tripods, and military outfits. A copy of ‘The Collector’ was found in the bunker, it’s a book published by John Fowles in 1963, also found was a book titled ‘Principles of War’ by Carl von Clausewitz (Bob Berdella would cite a movie with the same name as a huge influence on his life). A secret soundproof cell fitted with a one-way viewing window, hidden cameras, and a list of rules was also found in the bunker. Photographs of children in various stages of undress which had been taken at the South City Juvenile Hall where Claralyn worked were also found. Adjacent to the bunker was an incinerator; bones were found around property which had been burned then cut into 2-4 inch pieces, making identification near impossible. It’s likely that there were as many as 25 bodies on the ranch.

Only a few of the victims were identified. A skull with a .22 calibre bullet hole belonged to Randy Jacobson; a Vietnam veteran who Lake had served with, Randy had last lived at the Pink Palace in San Francisco’s Tenderloin District. Other victims found at the ranch included Lonnie Bond and Brenda O’Connor and their son Lonnie Bond Jr., they were running a methamphetamine lab on the adjacent property. Robin Stapley was also a victim who helped run the lab and was a founder of the San Diego chapter of the Guardian Angels, a crime prevention voluntary organisation founded in NY that was endorsed by Rudy Giuliani. Five-gallon buckets of video tapes were buried on the grounds; most of the contents of these have never been released. On one of those which have been, Lake speaks about his plans to his mother, Claralyn, and her parents; he claims there is a coming Armageddon so he had to build a bunker network to house sex slaves to be the mothers of the ‘New World Order’. The Wilseyville bunker was the prototype for this bunker network. He called his plan ‘Operation Miranda’ after the heroine of Fowles’ novel. Another tape showed him and Ng torturing their neighbour Brenda O’ Connor and another woman, on it Lake tells Brenda to suffer as there are people who are going to want to know that they did their job. More videos tapes were discovered at the former residence of Ng, but the contents have never revealed. No members of the Balazs family were arrested despite a police search of Claralyn’s parent’s house turning up 6 evidence bags worth of audiotapes, copies of photographs of young girls at Juvenile Hall, and S&M gear. Initially, the local police chief said that it may be a cult situation, but the official story instantly became that only Lake and Ng were the culprits after the FBI and Department of Justice got involved.

In 1985, Ng was convicted for shoplifting and assault; he was given four and a half years in a Canadian prison. Six years later he was extradited to US, seven years later his trial began, this delay was due to the likely chance that he would receive the death penalty in US, Canadian law prohibits extradition of suspects facing the death penalty. The Supreme Court of Canada approved Ng’s transfer and it occurred in 1991, his Attorney took the case to the UN Human Rights Committee who condemned the actions of Canadian government (but did nothing about it). In 1991, a purported witness on national radio claimed to have known Ng in Leavenworth in 1982, he said that Ng talked about torture, mutilation, and wanting to own sex slaves.  The media portrayed the delays in his trial as being the defendants faults, but the vast majority of the delays were caused by the State. His first Attorney was Michael Burt (who was Richard Ramirez’s attorney at time), but the judge appointed him new counsel despite Ng’s objections, Ng appealed to the California Supreme Court but they denied his appeal. In preliminary proceedings, Ng was shackled to the Courtroom chair, surrounded by heavily armed deputies at all times, and kept in a steel cage during recess. Normally, the defence would take their side of case to media during the preliminary proceedings so that public perception would not be too one sided, since only the prosecution’s evidence is presented in Court during this time, but gag order prevented them from being able to do this. Ng was accused of 12 counts of murder. Ng kept filing motions to change his counsel, all motions were denied and he wasn’t allowed to present his case for why a change of counsel was needed; he filed a motion to have the judge dismissed but this was denied and stricken from the record. Finally, a Superior Court Judge heard his lawsuit against his new attorneys and determined that it was legally valid one.

However, in 1994 the trail was moved to Orange County with a new Judge and attorneys. A moving van delivered the evidence to the Orange County District Attorney office and Public Defender. The evidence was in bad condition as six tons of documents were roughly and randomly shoved into boxes, 500 pages of police reports were missing, all the files of Justice Department’s investigation of case were missing, the former defence team’s documents were reportedly illegible, hundreds of photographs were unlabelled and not organized, and thirteen boxes filled with crucial documents were marked ‘shred’. There were over 100 video tapes of evidence, yet only one was shown at trial. When the defence complained about the evidence, they were rebuffed by the Justice Department, and the new judge simply opted to replace the defence team, Ng requested to have the team reinstated but this was denied. The dismissed attorneys had been trying to remove the judge from the case. The Fourth District Court of Appeals reinstated his attorneys and recommended that the judge be disqualified. In 1997, a new judge was assigned. The new judge delayed the trial start, a week later the San Francisco Police Department claimed that they had lost many of their files on the case and that bullet and blood samples had been disposed off. In 1998, Ng finally asked to be allowed to represent himself and the next day requested for his attorneys to be dismissed, in May his request was granted. Shortly after, a man who Ng reportedly confessed to in prison died in a single-car crash. The media implied that Ng had arranged the death, but it actually benefited the State as the witness’s testimony was read into the record by a US Marshall. This is always disallowed since it meant that the testimony could be used as evidence without the defence being able to cross-examine the witness.

By August, Ng lost the right to represent himself and in 1998 his trial finally began. The prosecutors began by showing the graphic video of the two women being raped and tortured, the tape didn’t show the actual murder however. Prosecutors played it again next day and bits of it appeared on the news, the media and prosecutors aired it repeatedly for the remainder of the trial. Two of the jurors were replaced in first week, before the opening arguments were even finished. The star witness Claralyn Balazs took stand but wasn’t asked a single question by both sides, so she was dismissed.  In 1999, the same tape was played in the Prosecution’s closing argument, Ng then testified as a surprise witness for the defence two days after his own attorneys had rested and one day after the prosecution finished its summary of the evidence. The State cross-examined Ng; they played the tape and showed drawings Ng had done whilst incarcerated in Canada despite these previously being disallowed. Two weeks of jury deliberation resulted in guilty verdicts to 11 murders. In the penalty phase, a juror was dismissed and an investigator was charged with prosecutorial misconduct, despite this the judge didn’t call a mistrial. The defence called Ng’s father to testify and he admitted to the abuse of his son, the next day Ng’s mother took the stand and confirmed said abuse. He was sentenced to death, the day after it was claimed that Ng managed to contact a juror during the deliberations; two weeks later the juror’s phone number was found in his cell. He was formally put to death in 1999. Michael Rustigan, a Criminologist from San Francisco State University claims in terms of trial it was the most bizarre serial killer case she has seen, though this is highly debatable since serial killer trials seem to be complete shams more often than not. Reportedly, Lake and Ng had snuff videos combining murder and violent sex, photos of women in chains, photos of dead victims, and bags of human bones that had been boiled down into soup; yet these were never shown at trial. This is either because they proved Ng never actually killed, or more likely that there were others involved who for whatever reason the State wanted to protect.

The cannibal emperor

A pattern that is commonly missed is that the kinds of behaviour displayed by serial killers is often over-represented in people at the highest levels of power, just think of how paedophilia is disproportionate in the Elite. This could be suggestive that such behaviour is influenced by power, or perhaps a kind of satanic culture that reaches to the highest level of society. Thus, in much the same way to how seeing serial killer’s behaviour being mirrored by intelligence trained terror groups like those in the Phoenix programme or the Mexican cartels could suggest that serial killers have been groomed into their behaviour, the same culture leading to degeneracy in the Elite may well reach down towards them.

Jean-Bedel Bokassa was a Western supported third-world dictator, he ruled The Central African Republic, a nation acting as a French satellite which is one of the world’s poorest countries. Bokassa was orphaned at age 6 when his father was murdered and his mother committed suicide a week later. He joined the French Colonial Army at age 18 and served during WWII. He later served in First Indochina War (the Vietnam war) and then Algeria. He left the French army in 1961 with the rank of captain, a few years later he was appointed to head of the army of the Central African Republic by his cousin President David Ducko. In 1966, a year after taking this post, he took control of country and became its president. By 1977, he had declared himself Emperor Bokassa I. He had a close relationship with French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing with the two of them frequently photographed together, Giscard had several relatives in influential positions in Boskassa’s regime and in the empire’s business community. In 1979, Bokassa personally ordered the massacre of over 100 schoolchildren; the children were suffocated, stabbed, and beaten. Eyewitnesses claim that Boskassa personally killed nearly forty himself and cannibalized them. The regime denies these reports but Amnesty International claim that the atrocity happened and a five-nation team assembled in 1979 determined he was personally responsible. Bokassa ordered the execution of forty witnesses who offered testimony to this investigative team.

The next month, Bokassa was overthrown in a coup. However, in reality it just put his cousin back in power and transition was overseen by French troops. He fled the country taking hundreds of millions of dollars from national treasury with him; he first visited Muammar al-Qaddafi who he had ties with. The hitler-praising Ugandan dictator Idi Amin, who had gained his post in 1971 with Western support, was ousted in 1979 after widespread reports of him engaging in cannibalism, cannibalised one of his own sons as well as murdering and dismembering one of his own wives. Amin too had fled to Libya. Bokassa eventually settled in France. Prosecutors at his trial claim that in his old palace there was the frozen body of a schoolteacher hanging on a freezer hook, mounds of human flesh prepared for roasting, a refrigerator filled with butchered human remains and a crocodile pond with the partial remains of at least 40 bodies. His former cook testified at trial that he served up dishes prepared from human flesh which Bokassa consumed with relish; Bokassa had even served up his political enemies at state dinners honouring visiting dignitaries and heads of state. At his coronation guests were unknowingly fed human flesh, it cost tens of millions and was funded by the French Government. He returned to his homeland in 1987 despite the fact he had been sentenced to death, he was captured and sentenced to death again but this was commuted to a twenty year prison sentence. In 1993, he was granted amnesty and so walked free to his home village: Berengo. He died of a heart attack in 1996, an official state funeral was held for him.

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