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California's Lineage of Killers

Violence in California

There are three main States involved in the lives of American serial killers; Texas, California, and Florida. They are the three states which are rife with Satanic cult activity and the States where drugs are trafficked from Mexico and Central Europe to enter into the US; this is not surprising as cults and narcotics seem to go hand in hand. There is an organised crime pipeline between Texas and Chicago, Illinois; this could explain why Chicago is also heavily affected by serial killers. The Hand of Death cult seems to operate out of Texas and Florida, the States which were at the time controlled by the Bush family, and was involved with multiple ranches on the Mexican border. The Norman ring seems to have set up its headquarters in Illinois, after Norman fled from Texas to go there just as Ted Bundy, Adolfo Constanzo, and Larry Eyler had done. And the Process Church ring seems to have their stronghold in California, occupying the cities of LA and San Francisco, which focuses more on hallucinogens but interacts with elements of the Hand of Death Cult in various ways.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, lots of hippies moved to the Santa Cruz Mountains due to the conditions being perfect for communal living and marijuana cultivation. By 1972, seventeen thousand people have taken up resident there. Communes or Druids could grow cannabis or operate portable LSD and amphetamines production away from police interference, often to sell to cities. The idea of the ‘Age of Aquarius’ was promoted by San Francisco’s activist and street theatre group the ‘Diggers’; they occupied LaVey’s Devil House / Black House. It was also promoted by San Francisco’s Oracle’s and its writer Gavin Arthur, an Astrologer who was the great grandson of President Chester Arthur and who ‘predicted’ JFK’s assassination before JFK was even elected. A small cult of Satanists from San Francisco occupied the Santa Cruz area, this also attracted small time Satanists who were inspired by the black-mass aura sensationalism of media. Consequently, there would be small sacrificial animals beheaded and scattered around.

In 1968, reports of occult sacrifices in surrounding mountains began to occur. In 1972, mutilated bodies began to show up and women began to disappear. In just the first 6 weeks of 1973, eight bodies were found and women kept disappearing; Santa Cruz’s murder rate had quadrupled and had obtained the highest homicide rate in the country at the time. At a time where serial killing was so rare it was yet to be named, there were 6 known of serial killers / spree killers spawned from this area in a span of just over 4 years. In 1969, the Tate-LaBianca slayings occurred on weekend where there were twenty-nine known homicides in Los Angeles within 4 days. Between 1969 and 1973, 14 young women’s bodies were found nude in Northern California; in the vicinity of each body were witchcraft symbols made from twigs and rocks, so there was potential yet another serial killer. After 1974 in nearby Sacramento, the Richard Chase serial killings occurred. Numerous ritual homicides in bay area were never accounted for. For example, Fred Bennett, the captain of the Oakland chapter of the Black Panthers, was mutilated and his remains were scattered in the Santa Cruz hills. Many missing students weren’t even listed as homicide victims, so the true number of ritual murders remains unknown.

In Laurel Canayon in 1981, the ‘Wonderland Murders’ occurred. Four people were bludgeoned in a house serving as a drug den or armed camp according to porn star and LAPD vice squad informant John Holmes; the house was located a street down from Governor Jerry Brown’s house. The home was once occupied by Mark Lindsay of ‘Paul Revere and the Raiders’; Lindsay had also lived at the Tate house. One of the first investigators on scene was LAPD detective Tom Lange; he was in the Marine Corps in Vietnam and was the lead detective in the OJ Simpson case. LA nightclub owner Eddie Nash was accused of ordering the killings and Holmes was accused of helping to carry them out. Holmes had returned home drenched in blood and had left both bloody palm and fingerprints. The LAPD put Holmes in a luxury suite at the Bonaventure Hotel and then the Biltmore Hotel, District Attorney John Van de Camp offered him immunity for talking; yet Holmes statement exonerated Eddie. Holmes was released and later rearrested in 1981 for murders. Holmes was isolated in a High Power cell, but he was acquitted in 1982; Holmes died of AIDs in 1988 3 days after a visit from Lange. In 1990, Liberace’s (a pianist) lover Scott Thorson was shot five times, he was peripherally involved in the Wonderland murders. Eddie’s trial started the same year, there was a hung jury by one juror. He was acquitted by a second jury. On September 10th 2001, Eddie admitted in a routine court appearance to paying the juror 50,000$ to not vote guilty. He also admitted to conspiring to commit murder and that he was engaged in a racketeering and drug-dealing enterprise. He took a plea deal and received 37 months, he only served a year.

Between 1971 and 1973, at least seventy-four people were killed in California by released mental patients. Interestingly, the Phoenix Programme operated from 1967 to 1973, which correlates with the sudden sharp increase of ritual murders in America. But the trend didn’t die down, perhaps because in 1973 the head of the Phoenix Programme, William Colby, was appointed to the head of the CIA. Before 1960, fewer than two serial killers were reported nationwide. In 1970 there was 6 serial killers reported per year. In 1980, there were 20 serial killers reported a year. By 1990, there were 36 serial killers reported a year. By 1997, America had the highest child homicide rate per capita in the world; in 2002 England obtained the highest child homicide rate after it rising by 40% in one year.

The Start of the Unexplained Bloodbath

John Lindley Frazier was placed into foster care at the age of 5 before ending up in juvenile detention facilities. He had ended up getting involved with the California Youth Authority. Frazier also had a history of sleep-walking and horrific nightmares. But as adult, a friend described him as a normal family man and a competent mechanic. Without warning in 1970, Frazier left his wife. He had a strong interest in the Occult and started a ‘New Age’ lifestyle by living in a six-foot draw-bridge accessible shack in the woods; which is similar behaviour to that adopted by Ted Kaczynski, he was a MKUltra subject whilst he studied at Harvard and was the Unabomber as well as a zodiac killer suspect. Frazier collected guns whilst living in this shack.

Three months later, Dr. Vincent Ohta; his wife Virginia; his sons Derrick and Taggert; and his secretary Dorothy Cadwallader, were at Ohta’s home located not far from Frazier’s shack. Dorothy was never usually there, the press claimed that she was there to babysit but her husband denies this and is unsure of why she was. There they were bound before being shot in the back of their heads. They were then tossed into the pool, removing evidence, before the house was set on fire. The family’s cars were parked across driveway entrance so emergency vehicles couldn’t quickly put out fires, thus destroying more evidence. Heavy rain removed potential evidence from the house like footprints. The family’s least luxurious car, a 1968 Oldsmobile station wagon, was missing.

The car was later found torched in a tunnel; no evidence could be yielded from it. Three pairs of footprints were left from the tunnel to a river; a witness claims to have seen three people in the vicinity of the car. Two people who matched the witness’ description were found in the search area, it’s unknown what happened to them. It was initially claimed that there were no scrawled messages, yet it was later claimed that a note was found under the wiper of one of their cars; the press released the note which claimed WW3 would begin on Halloween 1970 and that the message was by ‘the people of the free universe’.  A .38 calibre was used to kill Dr. Ohta and a .22 calibre was used to kill the others victims.  A Sheriff’s spokesman announced that they were obviously looking for multiple perpetrators, yet a few days later Frazier was charged and arrested as the sole perpetrator. An initial report falsely claimed that he had gun battle with the police, but there was no such incident. How one person bound five people, professionally executed them, dragged them to the pool, started multiple fires, blocked the drive wave, and then made a clean get-away was never explained.

Frazier was assigned James Jackson, the chief assistant public defender of Santa Cruz County, as his defence council. He brought in Harold Cartwright, a former US Marine and police lieutenant, as a private investigator. Dr. Donald Lunde, a former navy and professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University Medical School, was also part of the team. The Prosecutor was Peter Chang. Lunde admits in his book that they were all friends during the case and socialised often afterwards. In 1970, Frazier entered a not guilty plea; in 1971 this was changed to NGRI. A gag order was issued and the trial was moved to Redwood City to be held by Judge Charles Franich. Frazier was convicted on five counts of murder, despite all the evidence being destroyed. Only one witness saw Frazier driving the Oldsmobile. The DA’s office inaccurately claimed that fingerprints had been recovered from a typewriter but then admitted that this was false; obviously so since no typewriter actually exists. It was also claimed that fingerprints were recovered on beer can. Dr. Lunde claimed that Frazier had confessed to committing the crimes to him during a psychiatric examination, whilst giving testimony for the defence. He also claimed that Frazier was crazy, during the penalty phase of the trial Frazier turned up with his head and face half shaved. He received the death penalty; this was set aside in 1976 by the Supreme Court.

Lunde later worked on multiple infamous cases like Jim Jones and his People’s Temple as well as the politician turned assassin Dan White. He also worked on the 1974 Patty Hearst case, where actor Hearst was kidnapped and brainwashed by the Symbionese Liberation Army; this organisation was created by the CIA’s MKUltra project under Phoenix Programme operative Colton Westbrook at Vacaville Prison. In 1985, Lunde would work for the Defence in the Colleen Stan / Cameron Hooker case. Hooker kidnapped and tortured Stan whilst filming it; he used set-ups and had literature that suggested he may have been part of a sex slave ring. Love letters from Stan to Hooker existed; she had visited her family unattended for a few days before picking her up four years into her captivity; she even worked outside of Hooker’s home. Even when she left him, she never reported him and kept in touch with him. Prosecution expert Dr. Chris Hatcher claimed she was mind controlled by a sensory deprivation technique involving her head being locked in a box. Lunde claimed that mind control wasn’t real and that her containment was consensual. The jury unanimously rejected this and found Hooker guilty. Seeing as Lunde has no problem both defending and framing / taking down bad people, it’s clear his only intention is discrediting the idea of mind control and organised crime rings.

Lunde's Next Serial Killer

Herb Mullin supposedly killed thirteen victims within four months in 1972 in Santa Cruz. He was interested in the Occult and Astrology which is interesting since his first murder occurred on Friday 13th, his second murder occurred on Halloween, and his third murder where the victim was a Catholic Priest occurred on All Souls Day. Whilst I’ve neglected to include them on this website, throughout Dave’s book he gives countless examples of significant occult dates coming up in serial killer cases, whether that be the date of murders or the date in which court decisions are reached, in order to establish an undeniable pattern. It is however inevitably somewhat speculative and used to straw man anyone who dares to talk about organised Satanism, thus I decided to generally not include mention of dates in general.

Herb was born in 1947 to Martin William Mullin, a decorated captain and Mason in the Pacific who voluntarily put himself in a mental hospital at the end of WWII. Herb claimed that his father was a mass murder who killed up and down the California Coast. He was told bloody war stories by his father and was taught that violence is natural. In his youth, Herb was taught to use firearms at a summer camp by the NRA. He had spent lots of time in mental institutions. Herb was very popular and athletic at school, he was voted as the ‘most likely to succeed’ by his graduating class at San Lorenzo Valley High School. Herb consumed a large quantity of hallucinogens and had ‘legalize acid’ tattooed on his stomach.

In 1968, Herb was arrested for possessing Eagle Eyes Marijuana, a drug referenced in another one of his tattoos; he claimed that the ‘GAME’ started that day in a letter to his parents. He was given probation and committed to San Luis Obispo General Hospital. Herb was committed to hospitals four times over the next few years including voluntarily to Mendocino State Hospital and for drug charges again in 1970. He met Pat Brown at a Santa Cruz commune in 1970; he accompanied her to Maui where he spent time at the Krishna Temple. Herb was also taken to a US Army-ran mental hospital; according to Ed Sanders, an institute on the Hawaiian Islands at the time had been partaking in a mind control operation aimed at creating serial killers. When he returned to mainland America he was greeted by the son of a prominent local doctor, Richard Koch, who claimed that Herb said he had received electroshock therapy in Maui.

In 1971, after being arrested again and serving 10 days, Herb moved to San Francisco’s Tenderloin district where he spent a year and a half that he could barely account for. He stayed in his car or with young male hustlers in hotel rooms. Acquaintances at the time claimed that he was nice and incapable of killing, yet he was also a Golden Gloves boxer at the time. Herb complained about voices in his head, including his father’s, telling him to kill and he suffered from black-out periods where he did backward writing; a hypnotically conditioned skill. He was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, his alters included a Mexican labourer, an Eastern Philosopher, and Herb Caen; the local Columnist who popularized LaVey. He returned to parents home in Santa Cruz in 1972 and allegedly brought a .22 revolver. He then enlisted in the US Marines, despite previously being a Conscientious Objector, and passed the mental exam after his recruiters waived his criminal record; within a few weeks he began his serial killings.

Father Tomei was a WWI orphan and Priest, he was internationally known as a French resistance hero during WWII and for organizing a internationally touring chorus for troubled youth made up of troubled male youths from abusive homes; it’s potentially the case that Tomei was running an underage male prostitution racket. His murder was likely a professional hit. An eyewitness claimed his assailant was a 6’ tall man in black leather jacket; Herb was only 5’ 7” and had no such jacket ever. Herb’s second cousin, Monsignor Edwin Kennedy, was a close friend of Tomei. Bob Francis was a drug dealer, his wife and two young sons (the four year old was named Daemon) were professionally executed in his home with a .22 round to each of their heads whilst Francis was out. On same day, drug dealer Jim Gianera, whose two brothers were dealers as well, and his wife Joan were killed with multiple gunshots and stab wounds. Both of their families arrived at the crime scene before the police were notified, police found that the house had been thoroughly searched. Interestingly, police found a .22 casings found in Francis’s car. Both Francis and Gianera were thought to be snitches and both of them knew Herb as well as each other. It’s possible that Herb did this murder, one witness description matched him apart from the claim that the assailant was Mexican; which of course, one of Mullin’s alters were.

Four healthy teenage campers who had a loaded unfired rifle within easy reach were murdered, supposedly by Herb carrying a 6-shot revolver which he had to reload at least once. There was evidence of a struggle having occurred, yet all the victims were executed at point blank range by small calibre shot. It’s undeniably the case that a team of people would be required to pull off this murder. Herb’s final supposed murder was the sniping of a retired boxer at the distance of 100 feet; this was clearly yet another professional hit. Herb also supposedly beat a homeless man to death with a baseball bat and mutilated a girl with a knife. A few days after the sniper killing in early 1973, prosecutor Chang filed six murder counts against Mullin and he was arrested. During his police interrogation, he only robotically chanted ‘silence’ to any questions that were asked. Later he claimed that during this time he began receiving telepathic messages to commit suicide. He was assigned an adjoining jail cell with the serial killer Ed Kemper, he was then assigned Jackson and Cartwright for his defence and was psychiatrically examined by Lunde; Herb had the exact same team that Frazier had including the prosecutor, though Chang left the case after a medical emergency.

Three witnesses couldn’t pick Mullin out of a police line; yet still 4 more charges were added alongside a gag order preventing any public statements from being made about the case. Herb entered a ‘nolo contendere’ plea and wanted to represent himself. The Judge rejected this, so Herb offered a guilty plea; yet the Judge went ahead with the trail anyway. The case was sent to a grand jury instead of a preliminary hearing; the transcript of the proceedings was sealed by the judge. Jackson claimed that there was no need to change the venue despite the amount of publicity demonizing Mullin that there had been as well as the climate of hysteria about serial killers in area. Jackson then made the unprecedented request that jury questioning should occur in the judge’s chambers, the judge accepted so the jury selection was sealed away from the public and media. NGRI cases should be separated into two trails, one to look at factual guilt then another to establish the defendant’s sanity and therefore legal guilt. Jackson agreed with the prosecution and judge that they only have one trial focusing on Mullin’s sanity as his ‘factual guilt was universally accepted’. In other words, the trial started with the presumption that Herb was guilty, which completely contradicts the notion of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ under law.

The trial began in July; the Judge instructed the jury on what verdicts they could give but left out ‘not guilty’. In his opening statement, Jackson claimed that Mullins had killed Lawrence White with a baseball bat, despite the fact that Mullin not even being charged with that murder;  he also confirmed that the defence didn’t wish to argue that Herb didn’t do the killings. The state had no physical evidence to suggest Herb committed any murder. Yet the State presented its case in just four days which the defence didn’t challenge once. Lunde testified, for the defence with Jackson questioning him, that Mullin had confessed to both him and Cartwright. He then gave ‘Mullin’s’ account of the murders. Herb objected to this stating that they were misrepresenting what he said and that he had been told Lunde would testify as to the reasons for his derangement. The judge overruled him.

Herb made lots of other objections and doubted the integrity of his defence, noting that Jackson refused to communicate with him in writing and Lunde’s misuse of videos of his supposed confessions. Mullin claimed that he was the victim of a conspiracy. Lunde convinced Mullin to take the stand, which is almost always a bad idea for the defence. Jackson asked him why he committed the 13 murders to which Mullins replied that he was a scapegoat. Lunde made a statement to the jury that ‘there is no place to put him’ regardless of whether he was dangerous or sane, inducing the Jury to think that accepting NGRI would be setting him free. In his book on the case, Lunde admitted that he after interviewing a criminal defendant he would dictate a summary of his notes before destroying them; clearly a very suspicious action. Herb was found guilty and sent to a mixture of San Quentin and California’s Vacaville Medical Facility; a institution that was heavily involved in covert intelligence operations. The Jury foreman, Kenneth Springer, wrote to the Governor of California Ronald Reagan stating that he held the state as accountable as Mullin. 

The Team's 'Co-Ed Killer'.

Ed Kemper supposedly killed 8 victims, most of which were coes whose bodies were cannibalized and sexually abused, between 1972 and 1973 in Santa Cruz. Ed was born in 1948; his father was Edmund Emil Kemper Jr. who was a Special Forces operative specialising in suicide missions. Thus Ed’s childhood was filled with mementos of battlefield gore and heroics told to him by his father. Whilst Ed was a toddler, Edmund went to the Pacific to work on a US atomic bomb testing programme. Later, Ed received firearm training from the NRA whilst at a summer camp. Ed spent multiple times in mental institutions after having an abusive childhood. He had been made to live in a dank dark basement, which was accessed via a trapdoor under the kitchen table, for 8 consecutive months. At the age of 8, he engaged in incest with his older sister. At age 10, he beheaded a cat and prayed to its head that he had on a spindle. He had a strong tendency to dissociate.

At age 15, Ed killed his grandparents with .22 calibre rounds to the back of their heads; Ed was judged to be insane so in 1964 he was sent to Atascadero State Hospital for 5 years which was filled with violent sex offenders; Dr. Lunde worked there during Ed’s confinement. The California Youth Authority then paroled him so he was taken into his mother’s care; he shortly began his murdering spree. At the same time he successfully had his juvenile record sealed, to achieve this he drove to Fresno for a psychiatric examination with a severed head in his car’s boot. In his free time, Ed hung out at a bar called the ‘Jury Room’ where cops, sheriffs, and prosecuting attorneys hung out. He was fondly known as ‘Big Ed’ there, even by the regulars who knew of his history. Ed had wanted to be a law enforcement officer.

In 1973, Ed was charged with murdering 6 female hikers, before having then bludgeoned and beheaded his own mother; he proceeded to rape her corpse and use her head as a dart board. He then invited a friend of his mother over before killing her in a similar fashion; this occurred exactly 5 years to the day after Mullin’s ‘GAME’ had begun. Ed fled to Colorado where he stopped off at the University of Nevada for unknown reasons. He was arrested whilst on a payphone confessing his crimes to his Santa Cruz police drinking buddies. His car contained 3 guns and 200 rounds of ammo, his sister claimed that Ed owned at least 6 guns including a .22 Ruger pistol which was the main weapon he used in the crimes. It’s strange that he turned himself in after escaping with a mini-arsenal.

There is some evidence that other people were involved in the murders. Kemper documented his killings with Polaroids so he was undoubtedly involved. But one eyewitness to one of abductions said that the perpetrator was a ‘fairly tall male’, Kemper was a very tall man at the height of 6’ 9” and weighed 280 pounds. The witness also claimed that the assailant was driving a cream / tan-coloured sedan whilst Kemper owned a bright yellow car. The case and life of Ed also eerily mirrors that of Mullins suggesting that they may have been linked in some way. One of Ed’s alleged victim’s body was found in the same isolated remote location that one of Herb’s alleged victims, who had an inverted cross cut into them, was buried.

Ed’s defence team was Jackson and Cartwright, he was also examined by Lunde, and the prosecutor was Chang; the team was together again. Everyone in the Court assumed that he was guilty and had acted alone. Ed gave a detailed articulate confession to the crimes and had produced snuff photos from them; these photos and the confession were laced with Occultist symbolism leading to speculation about a satanic cult before his arrest. Kemper took the stand and claimed that the killings occurred due to his fantasies building up whilst he was in Atascadero; Jackson claimed that Kemper told the California Youth Authority that evil forces tried to control him. This is likely a side effect of Dissociative identity disorder as the voices could be alters talking to the core personality. Ed did claim that he believed there were two people inside of him and described ‘blacking out’ whilst he committed the murders. He was convicted on 10 counts of murder after being judged as sane. Like Mullin, who he shared a joint cell with, he was sent to Vacaville; Ed was later sent to Folsom.

The Killings Spreads to Sacramento

Chases alleged killing lasted 29 days in 1977 to 1978. Mirroring the situation in Santa Cruz, the murder rate soared overall during this time. There were 14 unexplained murders in Sacramento within that 29 day period. Other solved cases of violence plagued the city, a baby girl and baby boy were murdered by their parents; yet the parents each only received a three year sentence for this infanticide. This is just one of the ways that the case of Richard Chase greatly resembles that of Mullins. Chase grew up in an abusive household under a ‘strict disciplinarian’ father. His parents often fought. By the age of 18, Chase received lots of psychiatric care. In the late 1960s, Chase was arrested twice for possessing marijuana and he was a suspect in a 1968 shooting.

In 1973, Chase was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon and was temporarily admitted to the American River Hospital before being discharged into his mother’s care. Chase began to claim that his mother was controlled his mind and that he was receiving telepathic messages; he began to have conversations with himself. Chase had lots of hallucinogenic drugs; his mother later blamed LSD abuse for his problems. He was arrested again in 1976 before ending up in Beverly Manor where he was known as ‘Dracula’. In 1977, he went to Washington DC alone for unknown reasons. Shortly after, Chase was arrested at California’s Pyramid Lake whilst dripping with fresh blood after running from officers. In his truck the police found bloody clothes, two bloody loaded rifles, and a large bucket of blood with a floating liver in it which was later claimed to have come from a cow. The federal gun law violations he obtained were dropped.

Five months later, Chase brought a .22 semi-automatic handgun and began his killing spree. Ambrose Griffin, an engineer with the Federal Bureau of Land Management, was picked off by a sniper in a car using a .22 weapon; this mirrors one of Mullin’s crimes. A month later, Teresa Wallin was killed with two contact wounds to the head from a .22. She was cut open and some of her organs were removed; her left nipple was cut off. She was posed. Wallin was pregnant at the time.  The slugs recovered were ‘similar’ to the one that killed Griffin, but wouldn’t all .22 slugs be similar? Four days later, another two of Mullin’s crimes would be mirrored; his supposed mass murder and his ‘ripper killing’ of the victim he cut an inverted-cross into.

Evelyn Miroth was killed with a .22 close range shot to the head. Her friend Danny Meredith was shot twice in the head, and her son Jason Miroth who was shot as well. David Ferreira, Evelyn’s baby nephew, was shot in the head and stabbed but his body wasn’t discovered until two months after Chase was arrested; it was found near a church behind a suspiciously unlocked gate. The body was beheaded and put in a box which also contained his clothes and Meredith’s car keys. Prosecutors claim that the body was decomposing there before Chase’s arrest but this is a blatant lie. Evelyn and David were mutilated; she had an inverted cross cut into her corpse and her right eye partially removed. She was likely murdered in bathroom as lots of blood was present there, including in the bath water; this meant she was moved afterwards.

One day after this mass murder, Chase was arrested by a team of 3 rookie detectives assigned to the case who only had six months of experience combined between them. Chase believed he was being arrested for killing dogs which he habitually did. The blood of these dogs covered his apartment which also contained a notebook with drawings of swastikas. Chase denied knowing about the murders and maintained his innocence through their questioning and questioning from two more detectives. Chase was quoted as saying that he was ‘unsure how it could have been him’. As Dave points out, this seems to suggest uncertainty on his part about his guilt or innocence which could potentially be due to dissociative identity disorder; the establishment narrative is of course that killers do this to play games with detectives or to confess for the credit without actually confessing.  Upon being taken to his cell, Chase supposedly suddenly confessed the murders to a trustee inmate.

No forensic evidence placed Chase at any of the crime scenes; no witnesses placed him there either. The only evidence which existed from the Wallin crime scene was latex glove print and fresh shoeprints which were discovered hours after detectives have been walking over it which was hours into the technician’s search. Wallin’s German shepherd, Brutus, was in the house during the killings so it’s likely that the perpetrator knew Teresa. The two sisters of Wallin’s Husband discovered the bodies, they suspected it was done by one of his ex’s that had bragged that she was in a devil cult and claimed to possess psychic powers. The Manson family was active in the area as they had moved to be near Manson’s cell; family member Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme was arrested in the city’s capitol park in 1975 for trying to assassinate Gerald Ford, so they were clearly still active.

Evidence left behind at the Miroth crime scene also included shoeprints in the soil and latex glove prints. Evelyn had a cut on her buttocks with semen inside; this was never matched to Chase. A cigarette butt which potentially came from the assailant was found as well, there is no indication that the saliva matched Chase’s. The only evidence against him is that Chase’s car was supposedly parked adjacent to a nearby Country Club Centre, despite it being parked in ‘no parking zone’ making it conspicuous and thus awful as a get-away vehicle. Meredith’s car was actually driven away from the home. So it’s possible that Richard was set up by someone who tried to make his car clearly visible. Neighbour’s across the street heard and saw no struggle; they also didn’t see any person leave or arrive and didn’t see any other car arrive. Thus, it’s likely that the killer knew the family and was with them for a prolonged period of time.

Lt. Ray Biondi headed the investigation; he claimed that the case’s evidence was the fact that Chase had the.22 calibre handgun and Meredith’s wallet on him when he was arrested. But the .22 didn’t match any of the slugs. The wallet could have been planted or acquired by Chase after the crime, especially if he was involved with an organised crime ring that was responsible. The wallet evidence suggests that Chase was in some way linked to Meredith, but obviously this doesn’t prove that he committed any of the murders. After all, a patsy is rarely completely unrelated to the events which are being pinned upon them, they are usually just the weakest link or easiest target to pin the blame on in order to project the other individuals involved. Nor is it far-fetched to believe that desperate police officers would lie about what was on a person so they can bust them to save public face, especially in serial killer cases where the pressure to catch the killer is high.

Chase’s Trial began in 1979; his weight had dropped to a near-skeletal 107 pounds. He sat emotionless and dissociated at the defence table. Chase took the stand in his own defence; he had entered a plea of not guilty but then changed his plea to NGRI. Yet Chase gave a long confession on the stand, he used psychiatric and legal jargon easily yet he couldn’t accurately recall details of the crimes. Chase’s defence council asked the jury to give him a second degree murder charge, after five hours of deliberation the jury returned 6 first-degree murder convictions and after 65 minutes found him to be sane. Chase took the stand again resulting in four hours of jury deliberation before he received a death penalty. He spent four months in Vacaville. In 1980, Chase was found dead in his cell from overdosing on anti-psychotic drugs, his death was ruled a suicide. He supposedly hoarded daily medication to use in his suicide, yet that day’s daily medication hadn’t been touched.

The Hillside Stranglers

Kenneth Bianchi’s mother was an alcoholic teenage prostitute; he was privately adopted by the Bianchis family. His adoptive parents were repeatedly reported to the Rochester Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children for how they treated him. His adoptive mother often took him to doctors for unspecified tests and kept him at home away from school for long periods of time. He was subjected to cruel punishments like having to hold his hand over a stove flame. He dissociated frequently as a child. He was later diagnosed with Dissociative identity disorder by numerous therapists such as Dr. John Watkins, but this was disputed by CIA-connected Martin Orne and Margaret Singer as well as Lunde and Dr. Saul Faerstein and Frank Salerno; Bianchi often suffered from memory gaps. He also reportedly killed cat and left on neighbour’s porch on Halloween. He sought out Psychiatric care after high school before getting married for 8 months.

Bianchi studied police science and Psychology in junior college, during this time he frequently used the school’s medical facilities. Bianchi also joined the Sheriff’s reserves, rode with LAPD, and had a California highway patrol badge. He worked as an ambulance attendant and bouncer and even took a qualifying test for an Air Force career. During his early adult years, Bianchi joined a biker gang which inspired his arm tattoo which stated ‘Satan’s own M. C.’. When he was twenty six, Bianchi moved to Hollywood to live with his cousin Angelo Buono and his son of the same name. During this time, Bianchi was allowed to display a LA County Seal on his windshield. He also established access to a drug supply to sell and use, and he became a therapist during which he shared office space with other North California therapists. Bianchi claimed to be getting treatment for cancer and regularly visited a hospital; sometimes his girlfriend Kelli drove him there and waited in the car. He received some kind of treatment as he brought home legitimate receipts and medical forms, yet interestingly he didn’t have cancer.

Angelo Buono (the father) was the son of a Sicilian prostitute; he was very close to her and always lived near her. As a child, he was forced to watch his mother’s work. He left school at 16 and was taken into the custody of the California Youth Authority. By the time he was 20, he was driving around new Cadillacs; it was never explained where he got the money from. He was into underage girls and married two of them whom he sodomized and beat in front of his eight children; he also frequently sodomized his children who often visited the house Buono shared with Bianchi. One of his sons joined the Marines and was PCP addict. Due to Buono’s magnetism, lots of young girls visited their house and some even lived there for periods of time. Buono had an auto upholstery shop where he hired many of these girls; the business was a front for a teenage prostitution racket. Sabra Hannan and Rebekah Gay Spears (the daughter of a biker gang member) were his slaves kept in place by beatings and threats of death. Buono owned lots of guns and a Polaroid camera which he reportedly used to take photos of their victims.

Buono supplied these young girls to the city’s business and political Elite including a council man, police chief, and the chief aid to a member of the LA County Board of Supervisors. Buono once shared a home with actor Artie Ford, he also repaired cars for singer Frank Sinatra and Joe Bonnano (a mafia figure); Buono’s daughter claims that he dropped off a package at Sinatra’s house. The first suspect for the coming murders booked was actor Ned York who confessed to the crimes, another suspect was a minor actor with a studio in his house was also questioned; an aspiring actress claimed to be have been forced to participate in the production of hardcore S&M films there. Yet another suspect was a Hollywood producer who was stopped driving the car of a convicted rapist with a young girl in it whilst in the possession of a phony police ID. Several police officers were questioned and some who were linked to the time and location of disappearances / body sites couldn’t account for their time. George Shamshak had escaped from a Massachusetts prison around the time that the killings began and was recaptured around the time that they ended; he confessed and offered audio tapes of the killings. He claimed that Peter Mark Jones (a Beverly hill resident) was involved; after being arrested and released Jones left the city.

The Strangler taskforce included the LAPD, LA Sheriff’s Department, and the Glendale Police Department; it eventually included 162 officers. Its headquarters were in room 832 of the Justice Building which had been the Manson Court room. Salerno led team; Chief Daryl F. Gates held weekly press conferences. Every victim was raped yet semen tests yielded nothing. Bianchi was questioned by at least two LAPD and one Glendale cops, but he was cleared every time. The media talked to Dr. Louis Jolyon West, a prominent False Memory Syndrome Foundation member and a CIA covert operative, he claimed that the killings were likely done by a single person. Soon after, West promoted the mass suicide Jonestown narrative. Many of the following bodies were posed in the hills near the LA Police Academy.

Laura Collins was strangled and her body was dumped near Forest Lawn Drive, she wasn’t counted as a victim. A month later, prostitute and drug dealer Yolanda Washington’s body was found nude and strangled at Forest Lawn Drive. She had sexual contact with at least two men before her death; she and other prostitutes had recently sold Buono a ‘trick list’. Judith Ann Miller (a prostitute) was sprawled nude on Halloween in 1977, markings on body suggest that she had been bound and she had been posed by two or more individuals. One witness to the crime was the subject of a professional stage hypnotist; she claimed to have seen Miller get into a car with a light-skinned black man. The other witness was Marcus Camden, a bounty hunter missing two left fingertips which is supposedly a mark of some satanic cults. He saw her get into dark blue limousine with a Latin-looking black man. Yet both Bianchi and Buono were supposed to have participated. Salerno checked him into Cedars-Sinai Hospital for tests for unknown reasons. He later positively identified Angelo whilst being voluntarily committed to Richmond State Hospital.

The next victim was Lissa Teresa Kastin, she was likely a prostitute as she had discussed becoming one with other people and she was an exotic dancer for the LA Knockers dance troupe. The composite drawing produced from a witness looked nothing like Buono or Bianchi; it had distinctive details like a small mole on the left cheek. Next, prostitute Jill Barcomb was found nude and strangled. After this, Kathleen Robinson, who was partially involved with the ‘street scene’, was found dead yet fully clothed. The next victim was Kristina Weckler, an honour student at Pasadena Art Center, she was found nude and strangled with Windex injected into her arms and neck. One of the leader investigators named Bob Grogan, who had ties to a CIA-front called the Rand Corporation and who had been a technical advisor on ‘TJ Hooker’, suppressed Weckler’s personal notebook. Fourteen year old Sonja Johnson and twelve year old Dollie Cepeda were the next victims. Next, victim Jane King was kidnapped from across the street to the Scientology Manor where she took acting classes.

Lauren Wagner had been strangled and electrocuted. One witness to positively ID Bianchi and Buono was her neighbour Beulah Stofer who saw the abduction from the window of her home, she claims to have received a threatening phone call after seeing two men drag Wager into a car; yet she didn’t initially report what she had witnessed. Grogan questioned her on more than 100 occasions; Grogan went to her house to trim the front hedges which would have prevented her from seeing the crime before the Jury visit. Another neighbour claims to have witnessed the abduction but failed to initially report it. A third witness was a convicted killer who was ‘cured’ at Atascadero; he saw the abduction as he drove by. A substance found on the corpse came from a type B secretor which couldn’t have come from either of the cousins. The State dubiously argued that the substance was nothing more than ‘ant residue’ in testimony which media conveniently didn’t report on. Kimberly Dianne Martin, an underage call prostitute meeting her trick on the request of Bianchi, was found bound and strangled with a fractured skull in a vacant apartment; three days after this Bianchi went on LAPD ride. The last victim, Cindy Lee Hudspeth, was left nude and strangled in a car which was pushed over an incline. Bianchi incorrectly claimed that the car was pushed over from the front-end first. Many other details in Bianchi’s coming ‘confessions’ were incorrect.

Three months after the last killing, Bianchi moved to Washington to join the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Reserves. The Chief of Police of the city was Terry Mangan he had worked as a Priest as well as a high school teacher and dean of students in Monterrey (California) before serving as counsellor to the police. He got close to the police by having night-rides and hanging out at the police academy, he soon became a LA cop; in 1976 he was named the chief of the Bellingham Police Force. He was a friend of victim Sonja Johnson’s father who was a bookkeeper for an LA Catholic school. In 1979, 2 Western Washington University coeds were bound and strangled; footprints and a loose pubic hair were found at the scene. Bianchi was arrested and confessed but claimed that an accomplice identified as ‘Greg’ was involved. Police knew the man, but he died in freak motorcycle accident near the body drop site shortly after Bianchi’s arrest.

Dean Brett was Bianchi’s defence council; John Johnson was his psychiatric social worker. Dr. Watkins questioned him in presence of them as well as Salerno and Salerno’s partner. Dr. Ron Markman, a LA Attorney and Psychiatrist with links to the Manson and Patty Hearst cases, then questioned him. Next Lunde examined him off the record as he was supposedly visiting family at the time so he popped in. Then Dr. Ralph Allison was brought in from Santa Cruz, following this Watkins administering a Rorschach test. The following day police searched Buono’s home, yet they couldn’t even find a single fingerprint, indicating that Buono had been tipped off. After this Martin Orne examined Bianchi, Orne had testified at the Hearst trial and was a luminary of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Then Dr. Saul Faerstein of Beverly Hills examined him before Lunde returned for an on-the-record examination in order to help build the prosecution’s case for the LA murders.

In 1980, Veronica Lynn Compton, a playwriting actress and daughter of a LA editorial cartoonist, was arrested for attempted murder; the attack was claimed to be a copycat killing aimed at casting doubt on Bianchi’s guilt. Yet the victim didn’t report the attack until several days after. Compton was only 23 but she had an eight year old son, she had slept with Hollywood figures including a lawyer / agent who was murdered in an unsolved case. She told Bianchi she’d killed before and liked necrophilia. Soon after, Bianchi took a plea deal made by LA County District Attorney’s Office for life imprisonment to plead guilty to the Washington murders and testify against Buono; yet he could still get the death penalty for his California crimes so Bianchi gained nothing from this. His attorney instructed him to look at hands and chant ‘these hands have killed’ before entering the court room to ensure he didn’t back out of the deal after many late nights together. This deal meant there was no need for a trial; the State’s weak case was mostly based on easily plantable hair / fibre evidence and evidence which had turned up the day after the crime scene combed. There were also many discrepancies in the official version of events.

Bianchi was sent back to LA, he was questioned by Grogan and Salerno who ignored him getting details blatantly wrong. He received more life sentences and began insisting on his innocence. In the same month, Buono’s home was bulldozed on the order of the glass shop owner next door who Buono (jailed with son) had signed the deed over to; no one was ever charged for this. Prosecutor Roger Kelly opted to drop the remaining charges against Bianchi removing the State’s leverage and tried to discredit two prosecution witnesses; however Judge Ronald George begun the preliminary trial against Buono. George had attended Beverly Hills School then the Ecole Internationale de Geneve, an intelligence prep school for the sons of diplomats, European royalty, and finance capitalists; it was founded in 1924 by the League of Nations. He then attended Princeton; he went on to argue for the reinstatement of the death penalty in California in the Supreme Court. He was appointed to the Bench by Ronald Reagan in 1972, and elevated to the Superior Court by Jerry Brown (a liberal) in 1977.

Despite both Kelly and DA John Van de Kamp dropping charges against Buono, George ruled that the case could be prosecuted. Kelly withdrew so Attorney General George Deukmejian was assigned instead. 10 out of 12 jurors worked in civil service positions. Bianchi delivered five months of testimony against Buono, for the testimony to be accepted George had to concur with Orne that Bianchi had faked his Hypnotism and Dissociative disorder in Washington. He disallowed Bianchi’s confession tapes as they hadn’t been made under oath; this was likely to avoid the possibility of an appeal as these tapes were instead entered by the defence. The defence also allowed the State to call three women who had been enslaved prostitutes to Buono, despite their testimony earlier being disallowed by the Judge. When the defence rested their case, they compared Buono to Lewis Carroll or Charlie Chaplin for liking underage girls.

The jury were then sequestered despite being free for entire trial thus far. He also had them return verdicts on the multiple accounts separately, which is highly unusual. He was convicted on 9 out of 10 counts. Buono requested to represent himself in penalty phase but his request was denied. In 1984, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. After the trial, Van de Kamp replaced Deukmejian who was elevated to Governor of the state of California; Deukmejian’s underling Robert Philibosian became the LA District Attorney and Deukmejian appointed Roger Boren and Michael Nash to the Bench. Judge George was elevated to the California Supreme Court and became its Chief Justice. The defence counsel Gerald Chaleff became the senior adviser to the city’s Attorney Office. Buono’s photos were never produced at trial.

The Sunset Strip Killers

Whilst Buono was awaiting trail, more dead girls turned up in the San Fernando Valley; these were attributed to Douglas Clark and Carole Bundy.  Their first victim was dumped on the same stretch of road on Forest Lawn Drive where Yolanda Washington was found. Clark claimed that one of his past girlfriends was a roommate of a victim of the Bianchi and Buono. When he was arrested, Clark began a relationship with Compton who had been the girlfriend of Bianchi. Clark owned an auto upholstery business which operated as a front for a prostitution ring which he set up in 1970 around the time he married; he had even visited Buono’s upholstery shop on at least one occasion to purchase supplies. Like with Mullin and Kemper, these cases mirrored one another.

Clark was born in 1948, his father was Navy Lieutenant Commander Franklyn Clark; thus his family relocated a lot whilst Clark was young. When Doug was 11, they moved to Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Their home was an interceptor pad for missiles fired from Vandenberg Air Force Base, but by this time Doug’s father was officially a civilian employee of the Transport Company of Texas; thus he may have been sheep-dipped. The family moved back to California, Doug played with Navy Admiral Chester Nimitz’s children during this time. The family then moved to India, they lived in luxury with multiple servants.

Clark next enrolled at Ecole Internationale de Geneve whilst his family moved to Venezuela then Australia. Clark went onto the Culver Military Academy in Indiana and joined a campus firearms club. Around this time he began documenting his sexual exploits with audio and photographs which he shared with others. After returning to his family in Yosemite for a while, he joined the Air Force to work in radio intelligence; he received an early honourable discharge with full benefits but the details around it are uncertain as records are missing. By 1976, he unmarried and worked for the Department of Water and Power’s Valley Generating Station; whilst there he had taken two weeks off due to knife wounds of unknown origins. His employment was terminated, on the day of the termination the plant had received an incorrect call from the LAPD claiming that Clark was on his way to them with a shotgun.

Clark told his friends that he wanted a country house with a torture chamber to train and keep sex slaves; he also boasted about being a contract assassin having done assigned hits since his adolescence. His friend John Robert “Jack” Murray also claimed to be an assassin; he worked as a lounge singer but he had served in Vietnam in a Special Forces Unit of the Australian Army as an undercover assassin for the CIA (a Phoenix Operative). Murray carried a police badge and 9mm handgun around. Murray’s wife Jeannette was a former marine and the daughter of a Naval officer who committed suicide at age forty two, her father had abused her to the point she had a dislocated shoulder and concussion; Murray later beat her as well. Murray and Clark had large stables of girlfriends, they even shared some together. Lydia Crouch was Doug’s girlfriend; she had young children who were likely molested by the adults mentioned here. Tammy Spangler was an on-and-off girlfriend of both the men, she disappeared whilst Clark awaited trail. Bretta Jo “Joey” Lamphier was Doug’s girlfriend; incriminating calls were made to witnesses from her home. Eventually, Murray’s headless body supposedly turned up in his van, the State claimed that Bundy had stabbed him repeatedly before beheading him; Doug’s girlfriend Nancy Smith fled to Illinois due to this.

Bundy was a child actress who appeared in ‘Miracle on 34th Street’. She would dissociate while her mother beat her, she would then grin at her abuser. At 14, her mother died so she and her sister were expected to take their mother’s place in the bed; months later he remarried so they were shipped off to foster homes. Shortly after, Bundy committed the first of her three failed suicide attempts. She married at age 18; around this time her father ‘hung himself’. Soon after, Bundy unmarried and met Dick Geis, an editor of a fan-zine and porn writer who had insider knowledge of the murders which were blamed on Bundy and Clark. She moved into Murray’s apartment to have an affair with him, Clark, and Jeannette’s brother. Her two young sons were under hers and Clark’s and Murray’s abusive control, as was the eleven year old neighbour girl. This girl had from a young age been molested by an unidentified family friend and had her own pediatric plastic surgeon due to her frequent ‘accidents’ or in reality abuse. Clark and Bundy used her as a model for CP and to help Clark select prostitutes in his car.

In 1980, Cindy Chandler and Gina Moreno found alongside the Ventura Freeway; the forest drive dumping ground. They had .25 calibre slugs in their heads; both had been raped and potentially photographed. They had been at a party attended by over 100 people with Mindy Cohen, a Beverly hill citizen, and had stayed at the home of an unnamed Hollywood producer. Mindy’s boyfriend, an attorney, hosted the party which was attended by Judges and Lawyers. Mindy had taken them to the home of writer and singer Rob Stewart and actress Britt Ekland. Henry Brigges’ business card was found on one of the bodies, his sister in law Laurie got phone call from man phishing for a description of Henry. Days later, Mindy got call from a man claiming to be a LAPD detective; he called again later claiming that he had seen her at the party. The police claim that the man had no connection to their department.

The day of Mindy’s first call, Exxie Wilson and Karen Jones were shot in the head with a .25 calibre automatic; Wilson’s head was severed and placed in a Juarez-manufactured treasure chest. The girls had been brought to LA the week before by their pimp Derek Albright; he was a convicted murder. Semen found on Wilson’s throat came from a type A secretor, yet Clark was a type O. Wilson was last seen at Carney’s restaurant, one of the hillside stranglers’ victims had been abducted from there. Prostitute Marnett Comer had been on the job since she was age 13; she worked in Sacramento around the time of the Richard Chase killings. She had told her sister that she wanted to leave her pimp; police initially thought that a nation-wide pimp ring had killed her. Prostitute Charlene Andermann was brutally stabbed 26 times; she survived the attack and described her assailant as a moustached man driving a wooden-panelled station wagon. This description didn’t match Clark; she also identified another man as her assailant in photo as well as live line-ups. She initially claimed to have been attacked inside a motel room, then later claimed that it occurred in the vehicle.

Bundy allegedly placed an anonymous call to the police leading to Clark’s arrest; he was then questioned for 3 hours without an attorney. Cindy Chandler’s home phone number was in his wallet, despite the official narrative being that Clark targeted random people. Two guns were confiscated but his neighbour Teresa claimed that she had seen an army bag stuffed full of guns. Clark was charged and jailed; he had four fiancées whilst awaiting trial. The prosecutor was Robert Jorgensen; he had been an executive at General Electric before attending law school at UC Berkeley where he became a campus radical. After his graduation in 1967 during the ‘Summer of Love’, Robert began working for the District Attorney’s Office in LA. Carol’s attorney was former homicide detective. Clarks’s attorney was Maxwell Keith, he had previously represented Manson disciple Leslie Van Houten. Doug petitioned to represent himself but he was denied, he could serve as co-counsel to Keith however. Keith delivered an awful closing argument under the excuse that he had left his notes at home due to not thinking that he would have to argue that day. Clark was denied contact with his attorney, his cell was searched and his notes were seized, and he was brought into Court gagged and manacled. Clark did well in his own defence, except he openly insulted the judge using foul language.

Bundy was called to the stand as a defence witness yet she’d taken an immunity deal where all she had to do was tell the state’s discrepancy-laden story. She had given three contradictory accounts of the crime: the first she gave during the phone call, the second she gave during her sworn confession, and then the third one she gave in Court. The defence weren’t allowed to enter an audiotape of the phone call as evidence to prove these discrepancies because of the ruling that it would be ‘too damaging to the defence’s case’ to allow it. Bundy’s contradictory claims couldn’t be challenged in regards to Murray’s murder as that charge against Clark was quietly dropped in the Judge’s chamber without Clark being present. Jorgensen obtained privileged communications, yet this didn’t result in a mistrial as Jorgensen simply claimed he hadn’t read it; the judge automatically believed him.

The first jury vote occurred and two jurors held out for acquittal. Another vote found him guilty on all counts. In the penalty phase, Dr. Lunde was called as a defence witness despite Clark and his entire family refusing to co-operate with him. Lunde aided the prosecution in securing a death sentence for Clark. Clark’s brother Walter also took the stand in his defence, but he was warned not to talk about the family’s secrets by his mother. Three jurors voted for life without parole; however they were quickly swayed so Clark received six death sentences. Clark appealed the decision; he was against the aforementioned prosecutor Nash. Dr. Dorothy Lewis was retained as a consultant, when she inquired about childhood abuse in Clark’s house he swore her out of the room. Unsurprisingly, his appeal was denied. On the day of Bundy’s trail, she withdrew her NGRI plea for two guilty pleas and received two 25 years to life terms. Two days later, her ex husband overdosed.

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